Friday, October 11, 2013



A particular right-handed helical form of DNA (possessing 11 base pairs per turn), in which DNA molecules exist when they are partially dehydrated. A-form DNA is found in fibers at 75% relative humidity and requires the presence of sodium, potassium, or cesium as the counter ion. Instead of lying flat, the bases are tilted with regard to the helical axis and there are more base pairs per turn. The A-form is biologically interesting because it is probably very close to the conformation adopted by DNA-RNA hybrids or by RNA-RNA double-stranded regions. The reason is that the presence of the 22 hydroxyl group prevents RNA from lying in the B-form. See also B-DNA, DNA-RNA HYBRID, DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA), BASE PAIR (bp).

ABC Transporters

A class of membrane transporter proteins which “transfer” across cell membranes: sugar molecules (i.e., used by cells as “fuel”); inorganic ions (needed to catalyze certain cellular processes); polypeptides (i.e., protein molecules); certain anticancer drugs (thereby making it harder to halt certain cancer tumors via use of pharmaceuticals); certain antibiotics (thereby conferring antibiotic resistance to some pathogenic bacteria). ABC transporter molecules are embedded in the plasma membrane (i.e., surface “skin”) of cells. See also CELL, PLASMA MEMBRANE, PROTEIN, CATALYST, ION, POLYPEPTIDE (protein), CANCER, CHEMOTHERAPY, ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE.


WATER ACTIVITY (AW). [defined below]

ALPHA AMYLASE INHIBITOR-1. [defined below]


Spontaneous generation.

Absence of living organisms.

Abiotic Stresses
The stress caused (e.g., to crop plants) by nonliving, environmental factors such as cold, drought, flooding, salinity, ozone, toxic-to-that-organism metals (e.g., aluminum, for plants), and ultraviolet-B light.

A toxin derived from the seed of the rosary pea. See also RICIN, PHYTOCHEMICALS, TOXIN.

Abscisic Acid
A phytohormone (plant hormone) utilized to control: the size of stomatal pores — i.e., the openings in leaves through which plants exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide (and water inadvertently) with the atmosphere; abscision (e.g., shedding of flowers, fruit, etc.); dormancy. See also PLANT HORMONE, GPA1.

Absolute Configuration
The configuration of four different substituent groups around an asymmetric carbon atom, in relation to D- and L-glyceraldehyde. See also DEXTROROTARY (D) ISOMER, LEVOROTARY (L) ISOMER.

Absorbance (A)
A measure of the amount of light absorbed by a substance suspended in a matrix. The matrix may be gaseous, liquid, or solid in nature. Most biologically active compounds (e.g., proteins) absorb light in the ultraviolet (UV) or visible light portion of the spectrum. Absorbance is used to quantitate (measure) the concentration of the substance in question (e.g., substance dissolved in a liquid). See also OPTICAL DENSITY (OD), SPECTROPHOTOMETER.

From the Latin ab, away, and sorbere, to suck into. The taking-up of nutrients, water, etc. by assimilation (e.g., transport of the products of digestion from the intestinal tract across the cell membranes that comprise the gut, and into the blood). See also “ADME” TESTS, DIGESTION (WITHIN ORGANISMS).

Catalytic antibodies that are synthetic constructs. They either stabilize the transition state of a chemical reaction or bind to a specific substrate, thereby increasing the reaction rate of that chemical reaction. See also CATALYTIC ANTIBODY, TRANSITION STATE, SUBSTRATE (CHEMICAL).

Abbreviation for Acetyl-coenzyme A. Ac-CoA is a chemical synthesized in cell mitochondria by combining the thiol (molecular group) of coenzyme A with an acetyl group (i.e., from breakdown/digestion of fats, carbohydrates, or proteins). See also COENZYME, COENZYME A, FATS, ACETYLCHOLINE, GLUCONEOGENESIS, ACETYL-CoA CARBOXYLASE, CHOLINESTERASE, CELL, MITOCHONDRIA, FATS, PROTEIN.

Abbreviation/acronym for the compound 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, which is produced from S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) in the fruit of certain plants. When the “sam-k” gene is inserted into the genome of those plants, the level of SAM is greatly reduced in their fruit, which inhibits (slows) ripening/softening of that fruit via a reduction/slowdown in production of ethylene (hormone that causes fruit to ripen/soften). See also ACC SYNTHASE, ETHYLENE, SAM-K GENE, GENETIC ENGINEERING, GENOME, PLANT HORMONE.

ACC Synthase
Aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid synthase/deaminase; it is one of the most critical enzymes in the metabolic pathway that creates the hormone ethylene inside fruit. Because ethylene causes certain fruit (e.g., tomatoes) to ripen (soften), it is possible to significantly delay the softening (i.e., spoilage) process by controlling creation of ACC synthase via manipulation of the ACC synthase gene. See also ACC, METABOLISM, ENZYME, METABOLITE, INTERMEDIARY METABOLISM, PATHWAY, PLANT HORMONE, POLYGALACTURONASE (PG), ETHYLENE, SAM-K GENE.


Acceptor Control
The regulation of the rate of respiration by the availability of ADP as phosphate acceptor. See also RESPIRATION, ADENOSINE DIPHOSPHATE (ADP).

Acceptor Junction Site The junction between the right 3 end of an intron and the left 5 end of an exon. See also INTRON, EXON. Accession The addition of germ-plasm deposits to existing germ-plasm storage bands. See also AMERICAN TYPE CULTURE COLLECTION (ATCC).

The biological process whereby an organism adapts to a new environment. For example, the body of a mountain climber who has spent significant time high on Mount Everest (e.g., 20,000 feet above sea level) produces twice as many red blood cells (to transport oxygen) as it does at sea level. Often, this adaptation actually occurs on a molecular level. One example is when natural microorganisms adapt so that they feed on, and degrade, toxic chemical wastes; or change from using one sugar as a fuel source to another. See also SUGAR MOLECULES, CATABOLISM, RED BLOOD CELLS, COLD HARDENING, PHARMACOENVIROGENETICS.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme. A crucial enzyme (within the human vascular system) for catalyzing the formation of angiotensin, a hormone that causes narrowing/ restriction of blood vessels, thus increasing the body’s blood pressure as the blood is squeezed through those narrowed blood vessels. The action of ACE can be inhibited by the pharmaceuticals known as ACE inhibitors. Research indicates that consumption of whey protein can also result in inhibition of ACE. See also ENZYME, HORMONE, ACE INHIBITORS.

ACE Inhibitors A family of chemically-similar pharmaceuticals utilized to lower blood pressure in humans, by blocking formation of a hormone (angiotensin) that narrows/ restricts blood vessels. See also ACE.

Acetolactate Synthase
See ALS.

Acetyl Carnitine
One of the metabolites of mitochondria, it is a substrate (i.e., substance that is acted upon) for acylcarnitine transferase (which converts the acetyl carnitine to carnitine). Research indicates that consumption of acetyl carnitine helps increase the levels of acetylcholine and nerve growth factor (NGF) in the brain. See also METABOLITE, MITOCHONDRIA, ACYLCARNITINE TRANSFERASE, SUBSTRATE (CHEMICAL), CARNITINE, ACETYLCHOLINE, NERVE GROWTH FACTOR (NGF).

Acetyl Coenzyme A
See Ac-CoA.

Acetyl-coenzyme A. See also Ac-CoA.

Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase
An enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction (i.e., conversion of Ac-CoA to malonyl CoA via carboxylation) which is the first step in the series of chemical reactions through which some plants manufacture oils (e.g., soybean oil, canola oil, etc.). See also ENZYME, FATS, SOYBEAN OIL, CANOLA.

A neurotransmitter (i.e., one of several relatively small, diffusible molecules utilized by the human body to “transmit” nerve impulses) that is synthesized (manufactured) near the ends of axons (i.e., one type of neuron). That synthesis is accomplished by the “transfer” of an acetyl group (portion of molecule) from Ac-CoA to a choline molecule (available in the body via consumption of soybean lecithin or certain other foods), in a chemical reaction catalyzed by cholinesterase. Increased amounts of acetylcholine in the (human) brain has been shown to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. See also NEUROTRANSMITTER, NEURON, CHOLINE, Ac-CoA, LECITHIN, ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE, THYMUS, ENZYME, CHOLINESTERASE.
An enzyme that hydrolyzes (cuts into smaller pieces) molecules of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, after the acetylcholine molecules have accomplished “transmission” of a nerve impulse. That hydrolysis (cutting into pieces) of acetylcholine molecules thus serves to prepare the neurons (cells of the body’s nervous system) to be able to transmit other, later nerve impulses. See also ENZYME, HYDROLYSIS, NEUROTRANSMITTER, ACETYLCHOLINE, NEURON.

A substance that contains hydrogen atom(s) in its molecular structure, with a pH in the range from 0–6, which will react with a base to form a salt. Acids normally taste sour and feel slippery. For example, food product manufacturers often add citric acid, malic acid, fumaric acid, and itaconic acid in order to impart a sharp taste to food products. See also BASE, CITRIC ACID, FUMARIC ACID (C4H4O4).

Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor (AFGF)

A metabolic condition in which the capacity of the body to buffer changes in pH is diminished. Hence, acidosis is accompanied by decreased blood pH (i.e., the blood becomes more acidic than is normal).

ACP (acyl carrier protein)
A protein that binds acyl intermediates during the formation of long-chain fatty acids. ACP is important in that it is involved in every step of fatty acid synthesis. See also FATTY ACID, ACYL-CoA, FATS.

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
A disease in which a specific virus attacks and kills macrophages and helper T cells (thus causing collapse of the entire immune system). Once the immune system has been inactivated, other diseases, which under normal circumstances can be fought off, become fatal. See also HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS TYPE 1 (HIV-1), HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS TYPE 2 (HIV-2), HELPER T CELLS (T4 CELLS), MACROPHAGE, TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR (TNF).

Acrylamide Gel

ACTH [adrenocorticotropic hormone (corticotropin)]
A polypeptide secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. This is an example of a protein hormone. See also POLYPEPTIDE (PROTEIN), ENDOCRINE GLANDS, ENDOCRINE HORMONES.

Activation Energy
The amount of energy (calories) required to bring all the molecules in one mole of a reacting substance to the transition state. More simply, it may also be viewed as the energy required to bring reacting molecules to a certain energy state from which point the reaction proceeds spontaneously. See also TRANSITION STATE (IN A CHEMICAL REACTION), MOLE, FREE ENERGY.

A small molecule that stimulates (increases) an enzyme’s catalytic activity when it binds to an allosteric site. See also ENZYME, EFFECTOR, ALLOSTERIC SITE.

Active Site
The region of an enzyme surface that binds the substrate molecule and transforms the substrate molecule into the new (chemical) product (entity). This site is usually located not on a protruding portion of the enzyme, but rather in a cleft or depression. This establishes a controlled environment in which the chemical reaction may occur. See also CATALYTIC SITE, AGONISTS, PHARMACOPHORE, SUBSTRATE (CHEMICAL), ENZYME, ANTAGONISTS.

Active Transport
Cell-mediated, energy requiring translocation of a molecule across a membrane in the direction of increasing concentration (i.e., opposite of natural tendency). See also OSMOTIC PRESSURE.



Activity Coefficient
The factor by which the concentration of a solute must be multiplied to give its true thermodynamic activity.

Acuron™ Gene
A gene, trademarked by Syngenta AG, that can be inserted into plants via genetic engineering techniques. Inserted into the genome (DNA) of a plant, the gene confers tolerance to herbicide(s) whose active ingredient is protoporphyrinogen oxidase inhibitor (thus, such herbicides are known as PPO inhibitors). See also HERBICIDE-TOLERANT CROP, GENE, GENETIC ENGINEERING, GENOME, DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA).

Acute Transfection
Short-term infection of cells with DNA.

Acyl derivatives of coenzyme A (acyl-S-CoA). See also CARNITINE, COENZYME A, TRYPSIN INHIBITORS.
Acylcarnitine Transferase
An enzyme that converts the mitochondrial metabolite acetyl carnitine into carnitine. See also ENZYME, ACETYL CARNITINE, CARNITINE.

An acronym referring to the group of diseases known collectively as Autoimmune Disorders. These include diseases such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. See also AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, LUPUS.

Refers to the adjustment of a population of organisms to a changed environment. For example, during the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution caused large black soot deposits on the white bark of certain trees in England. The change in environment resulted in adaptation (e.g., via selective breeding) of a particular indigenous moth population, consisting of a mixture of all-white and all-black members. Because the soot blackened the formerly white bark of the trees
on which the moths rested, predatory birds were able to easily catch and eat the all-white members of the population. Thus, there were fewer all-white moths present in the breeding
population, and a preponderance of all-black members. During the 20th century, antipollution efforts in England resulted in a cessation of the airborne soot and the return of tree bark to its original white color. Because the predatory birds were now able to catch and eat the all-black members of that moth population more easily, the proportion of all-black and all-white moths in the breeding population once again changed. See also ORGANISM.

Adaptive Enzymes


Additive Genes
Genes that interact but do not show dominance (in the case of alleles) or epistasis (if they are not alleles). See also GENE, ALLELE, DOMINANT ALLELE, EPISTASIS.

Adenylate Cyclase
The enzyme (within cells) that catalyzes the synthesis (manufacture) of cyclic AMP. See also CYCLIC AMP.

Adenine A purine base, 6-aminopurine, occurring in ribonucleic acid (RNA) as well as in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and a component of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Adenine pairs with thymine in DNA and uracil in RNA. See also BASE (NUCLEOTIDE), BASE PAIR (bp), RIBONUCLEIC ACID (RNA), DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA).

Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP)
A ribonucleoside 5-diphosphate serving as phosphategroup acceptor in the cell energy cycle. See also CATABOLISM, ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE (ATP), ADENOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE (AMP).

Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP)
A ribonucleoside 5-monophosphate that is formed by hydrolysis of ATP or ADP. See also HYDROLYSIS, ADENOSINE DIPHOSPHATE (ADP), ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE (ATP).

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
The major carrier of chemical energy in the cells of all living things on this planet. A ribonucleoside 5-triphosphate functioning as a phosphategroup donor in the energy cycle of the cell, ATP contains three phosphate/oxygen molecules linked together. When a phosphatephosphate bond in ATP is broken (hydrolyzed), the energy produced can be used by the cell to carry out its functions. Thus, ATP serves as the universal medium of biological energy storage and exchange in living cells. See also ATPase, ATP SYNTHETASE, HYDROLYSIS, CYCLIC PHOTOPHOSPHORYLATION, BIOLUMINESCENCE, ATP SYNTHASE, ADENOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE (AMP).

A type of virus that can infect humans. As with all viruses, it can reproduce only inside living cells (of other host, organisms). Adenovirus causes manufacture of a protein (metabolite) that disables the p53 gene. Because the p53 gene then cannot perform its usual function (i.e., prevention of uncontrolled cell growth caused by virus/DNA damage), the adenovirus takes over and causes the cell to make numerous copies of the virus until the cell dies, thus releasing the virus copies into the body of the host organism to cause further infection. See also VIRUS, RETROVIRUSES, GENE DELIVERY, GENE THERAPY, CELL, PROTEIN, p53 GENE, DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA).

Adhesion Molecule
From the Latin adhaerere, to stick to, the term adhesion molecule refers to a glycoprotein (oligosaccharide) molecular chain that protrudes from the surface membrane of certain cells, causing cells possessing matching adhesion molecules to adhere to each other. For example, in 1952 Aaron Moscona observed that (harvesting enzyme-separated) chicken embryo cells did not remain separated, but instead coalesced again into an (embryo) aggregate. In 1955, Philip Townes and Johannes Holtfreter showed that like amphibian (e.g., frog) neuron cells will rejoin after being physically separated (e.g., with a knife blade); but unlike cells remain segregated (apart). Adhesion molecules also play a crucial role in guiding monocytes to sources of infection (e.g., pathogens) because adhesion molecules in the walls of blood vessels (after activation caused by pathogen invasion of adjacent tissue) adhere to like adhesion molecules in the membranes of monocytes in the blood. The monocytes pass through the blood vessel walls, become macrophages, and fight the pathogen infection (e.g., triggering tissue inflammation, etc.). See also OLIGOSACCHARIDES, MONOCYTES, MACROPHAGE, POLYPEPTIDE (PROTEIN), CELL, PATHOGEN, CD4 PROTEIN, CD44 PROTEIN, GP120 PROTEIN, VAGINOSIS, HARVESTING ENZYMES, HARVESTING, SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION, SELECTINS, LECTINS, GLYCOPROTEINS, SUGAR MOLECULES, LEUKOCYTES, LYMPHOCYTES, NEUTROPHILS, ENDOTHELIUM, ENDOTHELIAL CELLS, P-SELECTIN, ELAM-1, INTEGRINS, CYTOKINES.

Adhesion Protein

Specialized cells within an organism’s lymphatic system that store the triacylglycerols (also sometimes called triglycerides) after digestion of those fats, later releasing fatty acids and glycerol into the bloodstream when needed by the organism. See also CELL, TRIGLYCERIDES, FATTY ACID, DIGESTION (within organism), FATS.

Refers to energy storage tissues consisting of fat molecules within some animals. Adipose tissue tends to increase if an animal consumes more energy-containing food than needed for its level of energy expenditure (e.g., via exercise). In humans older than 40, an increase in the body’s adipose tissue is correlated with an increased risk of premature death (e.g., from coronary heart disease). See also FATS, CORONARY HEART DISEASE (CHD), LEPTIN.

Adjuvant (to a herbicide)
Any compound that enhances the effectiveness (i.e., weedkilling ability) of a given herbicide. For example, adjuvants such as surfactants can be mixed (prior to application to weeds) with herbicide (in water), in order to hasten transport of the herbicide’s active ingredient into the weed plant. That is because the herbicide must move from an aqueous (water) environment into one (i.e., the weed plant’s cuticle or “skin”) comprised of lipids/lipophilic molecules, before it can accomplish its task. See also SURFACTANT, LIPIDS, LIPOPHILIC.

Adjuvant (to a pharmaceutical)
Any compound that enhances the desired response by the body to that pharmaceutical. For example, adjuvants such as certain polysaccharides or surface-modified diamond nanoparticles, can be injected along with (vaccine) antigen in order to increase the immune response (e.g., production of antibodies) to a given antigen. Another example is that consumption of grapefruit juice by humans will increase the impact of certain pharmaceuticals. Those pharmaceuticals include some sedatives, antihypertensives, the antihistamine terfenadine, and the immunosuppressant cyclosporine. The adjuvant effect of grapefruit juice is thought to be caused via inhibition of the enzyme cytochrome P4503A4, which catalyzes reactions involved in the metabolism (breakdown) of those pharmaceuticals. Another example is that consumption of the pharmaceutical known as clopidogrel (commercial name Plavix) by people immediately following a mild heart attack (severe chest pain) — along with aspirin — greatly reduces the risk of death, strokes, and (new, additional) heart attacks, versus taking aspirin alone after a mild heart attack. See also CELLULAR IMMUNE RESPONSE, HUMORAL IMMUNITY, POLYSACCHARIDES, NANOTECHNOLOGY, ANTIGEN, ANTIBODY, ENZYME, METABOLISM, HISTAMINE, CYCLOSPORINE, CYTOCHROME P4503A4.

Acronym for Absorption, Distribution (within the body), Metabolism, and Elimination of pharmaceuticals. See also ADME TESTS, IN SILICO SCREENING.

ADME Tests
Refers to Absorption, Distribution (within the body), Metabolism, and Elimination tests required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for approval of new pharmaceuticals or new food ingredients. See also FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA), ABSORPTION, METABOLISM, INTERMEDIARY METABOLISM, PHARMACOKINETICS, PHARMACOGENOMICS, CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION, ADME, ADMET, IN SILICO SCREENING.

Acronym for Absorption, Distribution (within the body), Metabolism, Elimination, Toxicity of pharmaceuticals. See also ADME TESTING, IN SILICO TESTING.

Adoptive Cellular Therapy
The increase in immune response that is achieved by selectively removing certain immune system cells from a (patient’s) body, multiplying them in vitro outside the body to increase their
number greatly, then reinserting those (more numerous) immune system cells into the same body. See also CELLULAR IMMUNE RESPONSE, CELL CULTURE, IN VITRO, GENE DELIVERY, GENE THERAPY, EX VIVO (THERAPY).

Adoptive Immunization
The transfer of an immune state from one animal to another by means of lymphocyte transfusions. See also LYMPHOCYTE.


From the Latin adventitius, not properly belonging to. The term can be utilized to refer to: plant shoots emanating from sites other than typical ones (e.g., from a plant’s leaves); a small amount of transgenic grain accidentally mixed into other grain. See also TRANSGENIC.

An organism that requires oxygen to live (respire).

Exposed to air or oxygen. An oxygenated environment.

Affinity Chromatography
A method of separating a mixture of proteins or nucleic acids (molecules) by specific interactions of those molecules with a component known as a ligand, which is immobilized on a support. If a solution of, say, a mixture of proteins is passed over (through) the column, one of the proteins binds to the ligand on the basis of specificity and high affinity (they fit together like a lock and key). The other proteins in the solution wash through the column because they were not able to bind to the ligand. Once the column is devoid of the other proteins, an appropriate wash solution is passed through the column, which causes the protein/ligand complex to dissociate. The protein is subsequently collected in a highly purified form. See also CHROMATOGRAPHY, PROTEIN, NUCLEIC ACIDS, ANTIBODY AFFINITY CHROMATOGRAPHY, LIGAND (IN CHROMATOGRAPHY).

The term that is used to refer to a group of related mycotoxins (i.e., metabolites produced by fungi that are toxic to animals and humans) produced by some strains Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, common fungi that typically live on decaying vegetation. Corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea) and European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) are vectors (carriers) of Aspergillus flavus. Aflatoxin B1 is the most commonly occurring aflatoxin and one of the most potent carcinogens known to man. When dairy cattle eat aflatoxin-contaminated feed, their metabolism process converts the aflatoxin (e.g., Aflatoxin B1) into the mycotoxins known as Aflatoxin M1 and Aflatoxin M2, which soon appear in the milk produced. Consumption of aflatoxins by humans can also result in acute liver damage. See also CARCINOGEN, TOXIN, FUNGUS, MYCOTOXINS, STRESS PROTEINS, LIPOXYGENASE (LOX), PEROXIDASE, HELICOVERPA ZEA (H. zea), BETA CAROTENE, OH43, BRIGHT GREENISH-YELLOW FLUORESCENCE (BGYF), CORN, EUROPEAN CORN BORER (ECB).

Acronym for Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism. See also AMPLIFIED FRAGMENT  LENGTH POLYMORPHISM.

A complex mixture of polysaccharides obtained from marine red algae. It is also called agar-agar. Agar is used as an emulsion stabilizer in foods, as a sizing agent in fabrics, and as a solid substrate for the laboratory culture of microorganisms. Agar melts at 100°C (212°F), and when cooled below 44°C (123°F) forms a stiff and transparent gel. Microorganisms are seeded onto and grown (in the laboratory) on the surface of the gel. See also POLYSACCHARIDES, CULTURE

A highly purified form of agar used as a stationary phase (substrate) in some chromatography and electrophoretic methods. See also CHROMATOGRAPHY, ELECTROPHORESIS, AGAR.

The process, affecting organisms and most cells, whereby each cell division (mitosis) brings that cell (or organism composed of such cells) closer to its final cell division (i.e., death). Notable exceptions to this aging process include cancerous cells (e.g., myelomas) and the single-celled organism; both of which are “immortal.” See also TELOMERES, MITOSIS, HYBRIDOMA, MYELOMA, CANCER.

A nonsugar component of a glycoside. See also GLYCOSIDE.

The biologically active (molecular) form of molecules of isoflavones. See also ISOFLAVONES, BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY.

Small protein or organic molecules that bind to certain cell proteins (i.e., receptors) at a site that is adjacent to the cell’s “docking” site of protein hormones, neurotransmitters, etc. (i.e., receptor) to induce a conformational change in that cell protein, thereby enhancing its activity (i.e., effect upon the cell). See also RECEPTORS, ACTIVE SITE, CONFORMATION, CELL, HORMONE, ANTAGONISTS, NEUROTRANSMITTER.


Agrobacterium tumefaciens
A naturally occurring bacterium that is capable of inserting its DNA (genetic information) into plants, resulting in a type of injury to the plant known as crown gall. In 1980, Marc van Montagu showed that Agrobacterium tumefaciens could alter the DNA of its host plant(s) by inserting its own (“foreign”) DNA into the genome of the host plants (thereby opening the way for scientists to insert virtually any foreign genes into plants via use of A. tumefaciens). In 1983, Luis Herrera-Estrella created the first man-made transgenic plant by inserting an antibioticresistant gene into a tobacco plant. During 2000, Weija Zhou and Richard Vierling proved that A. tumefaciens is at least 10 times more effective (i.e., at “infecting” plants to insert DNA) in space (i.e., weightlessness/ microgravity) than it is when on the surface of the Earth. Among others, Monsanto Company has developed a way to stop A. tumefaciens from causing crown gall, while maintaining its ability to insert DNA into plant cells, and now uses A. tumefaciens as a vehicle to insert desired genes into crop plants (e.g., the gene causing high production of CP4 EPSP synthase, thus conferring resistance to glyphosate-containing herbicide). See also BACTERIA, DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA), INFORMATIONAL MOLECULES, GENOME, TRANSGENIC (ORGANISM), PROTOPLAST, EPSP SYNTHASE, CP4 EPSPS, “SHOTGUN” METHOD, BIOLISTIC® GENE GUN, WHISKERS™, GENETIC ENGINEERING, GENE, BIOSEEDS, GLYPHOSATE, GLYPHOSATE-TRIMESIUM, GLYPHOSATE ISOPROPYLAMINE SALT, NOS TERMINATOR.

Antihemophilic Globulin. Also known as FACTOR VIII or Antihemophilic Factor VIII. See also FACTOR VIII, GAMMA GLOBULIN.


Alanine (ala)
A nonessential amino acid of the pyruvic acid family. In its dry, bulk form it appears as a white crystalline solid. See also ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS.

Albumin A protein that the liver synthesizes (manufactures). Most minerals and hormones utilized by the human body are first “attached” to a molecule of albumin before they are transported in the bloodstream to where they are needed in the body. See also PROTEIN, HORMONE, SUPERCRITICAL CARBON DIOXIDE.

Acronym for Acetyl-L-Carnitine. See also ACETYL CARNITINE.

A simple sugar in which the carbonyl carbon atom is at one end of the carbon chain. A class of monosaccharide sugars; the molecule contains an aldehyde group. See also MONOSACCHARIDES.

The layer (“skin”) that covers the endosperm portion of a plant seed. See also ENDOSPERM.

Acronym for Alfalfa Antifungal Peptide. See also DEFENSINS.

A heterogeneous (widely varying) group of photosynthetic plants, ranging from microscopic single-cell forms to multicellular, very large forms such as seaweed. All of them contain chlorophyll and hence most are green, but some may be different colors due to the presence of other, overshadowing pigments.

A compound that is produced naturally by the garlic plant when the cells within garlic bulbs are broken open (e.g., during food preparation or consumption). Enzymes present within those garlic cells convert (precursor compound) to alicin. Research indicates that human consumption of alicin confers some specific health benefits (anti-thrombotic, reduce blood cholesterol levels, reduce/avoid coronary heart disease, enhance the immune system, etc.). See also CELL, PHYTOCHEMICALS, ENZYME, THROMBOSIS, CORONARY HEART DISEASE (CHD), CHOLESTEROL.

Alkaline Hydrolysis
A chemical method of liberating DNA from a DNA-RNA hybrid. See also HYDROLYSIS, RIBONUCLEIC ACID (RNA), DNA-RNA HYBRID, DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA).

A class of toxic compounds that are naturally produced by some organisms (e.g., ants, certain plants such as lupines, and certain  fungi such as ergot). For example, certain species of ants naturally produce alkaloids, as a self-defense mechanism. Poison- dart frogs (Dendrobates azureus) and two species of New Guinea songbirds (Pitohui dichrous and Ifrita kowaldi) can tolerate those ant-produced alkaloids, so they also acquire that self-defense (toxin) by eating those particular ants. Another example is the moth Utetheisa ornatrix, whose larvae (caterpillars) feed on certain plants that contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Because those alkaloids are extremely bitter tasting and toxic, spiders that normally prey on them refuse to eat those Utetheisa ornatrix; even after they later become adult moths. If those moths (who consumed those pyrrolizidine alkaloids as larvae) get caught in the spider’s web, the spider will cut it out of the web and release that particular (toxic) moth. Vinca alkaloids, isolated from the specific plants that produce them, have been utilized as cancer- treating (antitumor) drugs. See also

From the Greek allelon, mutually each other, the term refers to one of several alternate forms of a gene occupying a given locus on the chromosome, which controls expression (of product) in different ways. See also EXPRESS, GENE, CHROMOSOMES, LOCUS.

Allelic Exclusion
The expression in any particular manner of only one of the alleles in an antibody gene within a B lymphocyte (cell), coding for the expressed antibody. See also ALLELE, CODING SEQUENCE, GENE, B LYMPHOCYTES, ANTIBODY, IMMUNOGLOBULIN.

Refers to the secretion of certain chemicals (e.g., terpenoid compounds) by a plant, in order to hinder the growth or reproduction of other plants growing near it.

Allergies (airborne)

Allergies (foodborne)
An IgE-mediated (aggressive) immune system response to antigen(s) present on protein molecules in the particular food to which (a given) person is allergic. The antibodies (IgE) bind to those antigens and trigger a humoral immune response that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, skin reactions, wheezing, and respiratory distress. In severe cases, the immune response can cause death. In some rare instances, the allergic reaction is mediated by sensitized T cells. In some rare instances, the onset of a food allergy incident is induced by exercise (before or after eating that particular food). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires testing in advance to determine if a genetically engineered foodstuff has the potential to cause allergic reactions in humans, before that genetically engineered foodstuff (e.g., a modified crop plant) is approved by the FDA. In general, known food allergens (e.g., peanuts, Brazil nuts, wheat, etc.) are protein molecules that are resistant to rapid digestion (because those protein molecules are too tightly “folded together” for digestive enzymes to access their chemical bonds to break down). One potential way to genetically engineer currently allergenic crops (e.g., wheat) to make them less allergenic, is to insert gene(s) for extra production of thioredoxin. Found in all living organisms, thioredoxin is a protein that targets and breaks down the chemical bonds holding together a tightly folded together protein molecule (thereby making those protein molecules easier to digest). Future crops engineered to contain more thioredoxin than the traditional average level may be nonallergenic. See also PROTEIN, PROTEIN FOLDING, ANTIBODY, ANTIGEN, FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA), GENETIC ENGINEERING, IMMUNOGLOBULIN, HUMORAL IMMUNITY, MAST CELLS, LEUKOTRIENES, DIGESTION (WITHIN


With a different set of genes (but same species). For example, an organ transplant from one nonrelated human to another is allogeneic. An organ transplant from a baboon to a human would be xenogeneic. See also GENE, SPECIES, XENOGENEIC ORGANS.

Allosteric Enzymes
Regulatory enzymes whose catalytic activity is modulated by the noncovalent binding of a specific metabolite (effector) at a site (regulatory site) other than the catalytic site (on the enzyme). Effector binding causes a three-dimensional conformation change in the enzyme and is the root of the modulation. The term allosteric is used to differentiate this form of regulation from the type that may result from the competition between substrate and inhibitors at the catalytic site. See also ENZYME, STERIC HINDRANCE, EFFECTOR, CONFORMATION, ACTIVE SITE.

Allosteric Site
The site on an (allosteric) enzyme molecule where, via noncovalent binding to the site, a give effector can increase or decrease that enzyme’s catalytic activity. Such an effector is called an allosteric effector because it binds at a site on the enzyme molecule that is other (allo) than the enzyme’s catalytic site. See also ALLOSTERIC ENZYMES, ACTIVATOR, CATALYTIC SITE, EFFECTOR, CONFORMATION, ENZYME, METABOLITE, CATALYST.

Allotypic Monoclonal Antibodies
Monoclonal antibodies that are isoantigenic. See also MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES (MAb), ANTIGEN.


Aloe vera L.
A plant whose sap (juice) contains certain carbohydrates that naturally assist healing of human skin (wounds). Those carbohydrates “activate” macrophages, which cause those macrophages to produce cytokines (that regulate human immune system and inflammatory responses which promote healing). See also PHYTOCHEMICALS, CARBOHYDRATES (SACCHARIDES), MACROPHAGE, CYTOKINES.

Alpha Amylase Inhibitor-1
A protein naturally produced in the seeds of the plant known as the common bean Phaseolus vulgaris that inhibits the amylase enzyme in the gut of the pest insect known as the pea weevil. Because the amylase enzyme (in its gut) is inhibited (prevented from helping digestion) by the Alpha Amylase Inhibitor-1, the seeds of the P. vulgaris plant are protected from depradation by the pea weevil. See also PROTEIN, ENZYME, AMYLASE, WEEVILS.

Alpha Galactosides
Term referring to a family of polysaccharides (produced in plant seeds) composed (at the molecular level) of one sucrose unit linked by a 1,6 molecular bond to several galactose units. Alpha galactosides include raffinose, stachyose, and verbascose. See also POLYSACCHARIDES, GALACTOSE (GAL), STACHYOSE.

Alpha Helix (α-helix) A highly regular (i.e., repeating) structural feature that occurs in certain large molecules. First discovered in protein molecules by Linus Pauling in the late 1940s. See also A-DNA, PROTEIN, PROTEIN FOLDING, PROTEIN STRUCTURE.

Alpha Interferon
Also written as α-interferon, it has been shown to prolong life and reduce tumor size in patients suffering from Kaposi’s sarcoma (a cancer that affects approximately 10% of people with acquired immune deficiency syndrome). It is also effective against hairy-cell leukemia and may work against other cancers. It has recently been approved by the U.S. FDA for use against certain types of sarcoma. Recent research indicates that injections of alpha interferon can limit the liver damage typically caused by hepatitis C, a viral disease. See also INTERFERONS.

A plant enzyme (also present in some microoganisms) known as acetolactate synthase or acetohydroxy acid synthase. ALS catalyzes (enables to occur) one of the early chemical reaction steps in the synthesis (manufacturing) of branched-chain amino acids (isoleucine, leucine, valine) required by plants to sustain life (i.e., to make needed proteins). Herbicides that deactivate/destroy ALS are effective at killing plants (e.g., weeds). See also ENZYME, GENE, ALS GENE, MICROORGANISMS, CATALYST, AMINO ACID, ISOLEUCINE (ile), LEUCINE (leu), VALINE (val).

ALS Gene
Gene that codes for (i.e., causes to be produced in microorganisms or plants’ chloroplasts) the critical-to-plants enzyme acetolactate synthase (ALS). See also GENE, HTC, MICROORGANISMS, CHLOROPLASTS, ENZYME, CATALYST, AMINO ACID, ISOLEUCINE (ile), LEUCINE (leu), VALINE, STS SULFONYLUREA (HERBICIDE)- TOLERANT SOYBEANS.

Alternative mRNA Splicing


Alu Family
A set of dispersed and related genetic sequences, each about 300 base pairs long, in the human genome. At both ends of these 300 bp segments there is an A-G-C-T sequence. Alu 1 is a restriction enzyme that recognizes this sequence and cleaves (cuts) it between the G (guanine) and the C (cytosine). See also GENOME, RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASES.

Aluminum Resistance

Aluminum Tolerance

Aluminum Toxicity

Alzheimer’s Disease
Named after Alois Alzheimer who, in 1906, first described the Amyloid β Protein (AβP) plaques in the human brain that are caused by this disease. Alzheimer’s disease causes progressive memory loss and dementia in its victims as it kills brain cells (neurons). Some drugs (e.g., tacrine, donepezil, etc.) appear to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease (by increasing the availability of acetylcholine in the brain), but there is currently no way to stop the disease. See also AMYLOID β PROTEIN (AβP), AMYLOID β PROTEIN PRECURSOR (AβPP), NEURON, NEUROTRANSMITTER, ACETYLCHOLINE, OXIDATIVE STRESS.

Acronym for Age-related Macular Degeneration. See also LUTEIN.

American Society for Biotechnology (ASB)
A society founded for the purpose of “providing a multi- and interdisciplinary forum for those persons from academia, industry, and government who are interested in any and all aspects of biotechnology, and will achieve its aims by cooperation with existing organizations active in the field.” To join, write to ASB, P.O. Box 2820, Sausalito, California, 94966-2820. See also BIOTECHNOLOGY, INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY (ISAB), BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY ORGANIZATION (BIO).

American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)
An independent, nonprofit organization established in 1925 for the preservation and distribution of reference cultures. See also CELL CULTURE, CULTURE, CULTURE MEDIUM, TYPE SPECIMEN, CONSULTATIVE GROUP ON INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH (CGIAR).

Ames Test
A simple bacterial-based carcinogens test that was developed by Bruce Ames in 1961. Although this test evaluates mutagenesis (causation of mutations) in the DNA of bacteria, its results have been utilized to approve or not approve certain compounds for consumption by humans. See also BIOASSAY, BACTERIA, ASSAY, MUTUAL RECOGNITION AGREEMENTS (MRAs), GENOTOXIC CARCINOGENS, CARCINOGEN, PARP.

Amino Acid
There are 20 common amino acids, each specified by a different arrangement of three adjacent DNA nucleotides. These are the building blocks of proteins. Joined together in a strictly ordered chain, the sequence of amino acids determines the character of each protein (chain) molecule. The 20 common amino acids are: alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine, valine, cysteine, methionine, lysine, and asparagine. Note that virtually all of these amino acids (except glycine) possess an asymmetric carbon atom, and thus are potentially chiral in nature. See also PROTEIN, POLYPEPTIDE (protein), STEREOISOMERS, CHIRAL COMPOUND, MESSENGER RNA (mRNA), ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS, DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA), ABSOLUTE CONFIGURATION.

Amino Acid Profile
Also known as “protein quality,” this refers to a quantitative delineation of how much of each amino acid is contained in a given source of (livestock feed or food) protein. For example, the amino acid profile of soybean meal is matched closest to the profile of amino acids needed for human nutrition, of all protein meals. See also “IDEAL PROTEIN” CONCEPT, PROTEIN, AMINO ACID, SOYBEAN MEAL, PDCAAS.

Aminocyclopropane Carboxylic Acid Synthase/ deaminase


Amphibolic Pathway
A metabolic pathway used in both catabolism and anabolism. See also ANABOLISM, CATABOLISM.

Amphipathic Molecules
Molecules bearing both polar and nonpolar domains (within the same molecule). Some examples of amphipathic molecules are wetting agents (SDS), and membrane lipids such as lecithin. See also MICELLE, REVERSE MICELLE (RM), POLARIT(CHEMICAL).

Amphiphilic Molecules
Also known collectively as amphiphiles, these molecules possess distinct regions of hydrophobic (“water hating”) and hydrophilic (“water loving”) character within the same molecule. When dissolved in water above a certain concentration (known as the CMC), they are capable of forming high molecular weight aggregates, or micelles. See also CRITICAL MICELLE CONCENTRATION, HYDROPHOBIC, HYDROPHILIC, MICELLE, REVERSE MICELLE (RM).

Amphoteric Compound
A compound capable of both donating and accepting protons and thus able to act chemically as either an acid or a base.

A specific sequence of DNA produced by a DNA-amplification technology such as the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique. See also DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA), SEQUENCE (OF A DNA MOLECULE), POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR) TECHNIQUE, NESTED PCR.

The production of additional copies of a chromosomal sequence, found as either intrachromosomal or extrachromosomal DNA. See also IN VITRO SELECTION.

Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism
Also known by its acronym, AFLP is a “DNA marker” utilized in a “genetic mapping” technique which employs the specific sequence of bases (nucleotides) in a piece of DNA (from an organism). Since the specific sequence of bases in their DNA molecules is different for each species, strain, variety, or individual (due to DNA polymorphism), AFLP can be used to “map” those DNA molecules (e.g., to assist and speed up plant breeding programs). See also GENETIC MAP, SEQUENCE (OF A DNA MOLECULE), DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA), GENOME, PHYSICAL MAP (OF GENOME), MARKER (DNA SEQUENCE), MARKER (GENETIC MARKER), POLYMORPHISM (CHEMICAL), NUCLEIC ACIDS, NUCLEOTIDE, GENETIC CODE.


A term that is used to refer to a category of enzymes that catalyzes the chemical reaction in which amylose (starch) molecules are hydrolytically cleaved (broken) to molecular pieces (e.g., the polysaccharides maltose, maltotriose, a-dextrin, etc.). For example, α-amylase is used to break apart corn starch molecules in the first step of manufacturing fructose (sweetener for soft drinks). Since 1857, amylase has been utilized to remove (amylose) starch from woven fabrics in the textile industries. Modern uses of some amylases include enabling the substitution of barley grain for malt in the beer brewing process. See also ENZYME, STARCH, AMYLOSE, BARLEY, HYDROLYTIC CLEAVAGE, POLYSACCHARIDES, ALPHA AMYLASE INHIBITOR-1.

Amyloid β Protein Precursor (AβPP)
A (collective) set of protein molecules, from which are derived Amyloid β Protein (AβP). See also PROTEIN, AMYLOID β PROTEIN PRECURSOR (AβPP).

AmyloidβProtein (AβP)
A small protein that forms plaque in the brains and in the brain blood vessels of victims of Alzheimer’s disease. AβP forms cation-selective ion channels in lipid bilayers (e.g., membranes surrounding cells). This ion channel formation disrupts calcium homeostasis, allowing (destructive) high concentrations of calcium ions in brain cells. See also PROTEIN, AMYLOID β PROTEIN PRECURSOR (AβPP), ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE.
Amyloid Placques

The form of starch (molecule) that consists of multi-branched polymers, containing approximately 100,000 glucose units per molecule (polysaccharide). See also STARCH, POLYMER, GLUCOSE (GLc), POLYSACCHARIDES, WAXY CORN.

The form of starch that consists of unbranched polymers, containing approximately 4000 glucose units per molecule (polysaccharide). It is present in potatoes at 23–29% content (variation is thought to be caused by different growing conditions). See also POLYMER, GLUCOSE (GLc), AMYLASE, POLYSACCHARIDES.

The phase of intermediary metabolism concerned with the energy-requiring biosynthesis of cell components from smaller precursor molecules. See also CATABOLISM, ASSIMILATION, METABOLISM, CELL, PLASMA MEMBRANE.

An organism that lives in the absence of oxygen and generally cannot grow in the presence of oxygen. The catabolic metabolism of anaerobic microorganisms reduces a variety of organic and inorganic compounds in order to survive (e.g., carbon dioxide, sulfate, nitrate, fumarate, iron, manganese); anaerobes produce a large number of end products of metabolism (e.g., acetic acid, propionic acid, lactic acid, ethanol, methane, etc.). See also CATABOLISM, METABOLISM, METABOLITE, REDUCTION (IN A CHEMICAL REACTION), ANAEROBIC.

An environment without air or oxygen. See also ANAEROBE.

Analogue (Analog)
A compound (or molecule) that is a (chemical) structural derivative of a parent compound. The word is also used to describe a molecule that may be structurally similar (but not identical) to another, and which exhibits many or some of the same biological functions of the other. For example, the large class of antibiotics known as the sulfa drugs are all analogues of the original synthetic chemical drug (known as Prontosil, which cures streptococcal infections) discovered by the German biologist Gerhart Domagk. His discovery and others made possible a program of further chemical syntheses based upon the original (sulfanilamide) molecular structure and resulted in the large number of sulfonamide (also called “sulfa”) drugs available today. All of the analogue (also analog) sulfa drugs that were patterned after the original sulfanilamide molecular structure may be called sulfanilamide analogues. Today, analogues are known by man for various vitamins, amino acids, purines, sugars, growth factors, and many other chemical compounds. Research chemists produce analogues of various molecules in order to ascertain the biological role of, or importance of, certain structures (within the molecule) to the molecule’s function within a living organism. See also BIOMIMETIC MATERIALS, RATIONAL DRUG DESIGN, HETEROLOGY, GIBBERELLINS, QUANTITATIVE STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIP (QSAR).

Abbreviated New Drug Application (to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration). See also NDA, “TREATMENT” IND REGULATIONS, FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA).

Formation/development of new blood vessels in the body. Discovered to be triggered and stimulated by angiogenic growth factors, in the early 1980s. Angiogenesis is required for malignant tumors to metastasize (spread throughout the body), because it provides the (newly-created) blood supply that tumors require. Angiogenesis is also crucial to the development of glaucoma and macular degeneration (major cause of blindness). The drug Thalidomide is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis, as are the proteins angiostatin and endostatin. See also ANGIOGENIC GROWTH FACTORS, TUMOR, CANCER, METASTASIS, ANTIANGIOGENESIS, CHIRAL

Angiogenesis Factors

Angiogenic Growth Factors
Proteins that stimulate formation of blood vessels (e.g., in tissue being formed by the body to repair wounds). See also FILLER EPITHELIAL CELLS, FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR (FGF), MITOGEN, ANGIOGENIN, ENDOTHELIAL CELLS, TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR-ALPHA (TGF-ALPHA), TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR-BETA (TGFBETA),

One of the human angiogenic growth factors, it possesses potent angiogenic (formation of blood vessels) activity. In addition to stimulating (normal) blood vessel formation, angiogenin levels are correlated with placenta formation and tumor growth (tumors require new blood vessels). See also ANGIOGENIC GROWTH FACTORS, ANGIOGENESIS, TUMOR, GROWTH FACTOR.

An antiangiogenesis (anti-blood vessel- formation) human protein discovered by Judah Folkman. In combination with endostatin, it has been shown to cause certain cancer tumors in mice to shrink by cutting off the creation of new blood vessels required to “feed” a growing tumor. Angiostatin acts to halt the creation of new blood vessels by binding to ATP synthase (an enzyme needed to initiate new blood vessels). See also PROTEIN, ANTIANGIOGENESIS, ENDOSTATIN, CANCER, ATP SYNTHASE, TUMOR.

Angstrom (Å)
10–8 cm (3.937 × 10–9 inch or 10-10 m).

See ION.

The process by which the complementary base pairs in the strands of DNA combine. See also BASE PAIR (bp), DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA).

Anonymous DNA Marker
Refers to a DNA marker with a clearly identifiable sequence variation (i.e., it is detectable by the specific variation in its DNA sequence, whether or not it occurs in or near a coding sequence). See also DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA), SEQUENCE (OF A DNA MOLECULE), MARKER (DNA SEQUENCE), MICROSATELLITE DNA.

Molecules that bind to certain proteins (e.g., receptors, enzymes) at a specific (active) site on that protein. The binding suppresses or inhibits the activity (function) of that protein. See also RECEPTORS, ACTIVE SITE, CONFORMATION, AGONISTS, ENZYME, ALLOSTERIC ENZYMES.

Anterior Pituitary Gland

Anthocyanidins Natural pigments (flavonoids) produced in blueberries (genus Vaccinium), blackberries (Rubus fruticosus), cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon), cherries (genus Prunus), black or purple carrots (Daucus carota), and some types of grapes. Consumption of anthocyanidins by humans has been shown to be beneficial to eyesight by aiding the health of the retina. Within the human body, anthocyanidins act as antioxidants (i.e., “quenchers” of free radicals), so consumption apparently reduces the risk of some cancers, coronary heart disease, eyesight loss, and cataracts. See also PHYTOCHEMICALS, NUTRACEUTICALS, CAROTENOIDS, ANTIOXIDANTS, OXIDATIVE STRESS, CANCER, CORONARY HEART DISEASE (CHD), INSULIN, PROANTHOCYANIDINS, FOSHU.


Anti-Idiotype Antibodies

Antibodies to antibodies. In other words, if a human antibody is injected into rabbits, the rabbit immune systems will recognize the human antibodies as foreign (regardless of the fact that they are antibodies) and produce antibodies against them. To the rabbit, the foreign antibodies represent just another invader or nonself to be targeted and destroyed. Anti-idiotypes mimic antigens in that they are shaped to fit into the antibody’s binding site (in lock-and-key fashion). As such, anti-idiotypes can be used to create vaccines that stimulate production of antibodies to the antigen (that the antiidiotype mimics). This confers disease resistance (to the pathogen associated with that antigen) without the risk that a vaccine using attenuated pathogens entails (i.e., that the pathogen “revives” to cause the disease). See also ANTIBODY, MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES (MAb), ANTIGEN, IDIOTYPE, PATHOGEN, ATTENUATED (PATHOGENS).

An antibody to interferon. Used for the purification of interferons. See also ANTIBODY, INTERFERONS, AFFINITY CHROMATOGRAPHY.


Refers to impact of any compound that prevents angiogenesis (i.e., formation/development of new blood vessels). Because angiogenesis is required for malignant tumors to grow and/or metastasize (spread), antiangiogenesis was proposed by Judah Folkman in 1970 as a means to combat cancer. Because angiogenesis is required for embryonic development, antiangiogenic drugs inhibit proper development/growth of infants in the womb. Fumagillin, ovalicin, and Thalidomide have been found to possess antiangiogenic properties. Also, the human proteins angiostatin and endostatin. See also ANGIOGENESIS, ANGIOGENIC GROWTH FACTORS, TUMOR, CANCER, ANGIOSTATIN, ENDOSTATIN, GENISTEIN.
Refers to the processes by which one organism produces a substance that is toxic or repellent to another organism (e.g., a parasite) that is attacking the first organism. For example, certain varieties of corn/maize (Zea mays L.) naturally produce chemical substances in their roots that are toxic to the corn rootworm. See also ANTIBIOTIC, BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS (B.t.), CORN, CORN ROOTWORM.

Coined by Selman Waksman during the 1940s, this term refers to organic compounds that are naturally formed and secreted by various species of microorganisms and/or plants. It has a defensive function and is often toxic to other species (e.g., penicillin, originally produced by bread mold, is toxic to numerous human pathogens). Antibiotics generally act by inhibiting protein synthesis, DNA replication, synthesis of cell wall (cytoplasmic membrane) constituents, inhibition of required cell (e.g., bacteria) metabolic processes, and nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) biosynthesis, hence killing the (targeted bacteria) cells involved. Inorganic (e.g., certain metals) molecules may also have antibiotic properties. See also PATHOGEN, MICROORGANISM, PROTEIN, NUCLEIC ACIDS, PENICILLIN G (benzylpenicillin), SYMBIOTIC, GRAM STAIN, GRAMNEGATIVE, ALLELOPATHY, BACTERIA, GRAM-POSITIVE, CELL, ANTIBIOSIS, AUREOFACIN, PHOTORHABDUS LUMINESCENS, BETA-LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS, METABOLISM, DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA), PLASMA MEMBRANE, RIBONUCLEIC ACID (RNA).

Antibiotic Resistance
A property of a cell (e.g.. pathogenic bacteria) that enables it to avoid the effect of an antibiotic that had formerly killed or inhibited that cell. Ways this can occur include: changing the structure of the cell wall (plasma membrane); synthesis (manufacture) of enzymes to inactivate the antibiotic (e.g., penicillinases, which inactivate penicillin); synthesis of enzymes to prevent antibiotic entering cell; and active removal of the antibiotic from the cell. For example, the membrane transporter protein molecules known as ABC transporters are sometimes able to help pathogenic bacteria resist certain antibiotics by transporting out the antibiotic before it can kill the bacteria. The ABC transporter is a V-shaped molecule embedded in the (bacteria) cell’s plasma membrane, with the open end of the “V” pointed toward the interior of the cell. When molecules of certain antibiotics (inside the cell) contact the ABC transporter molecule, the two “arms” of the ABC transporter close around the antibiotic molecule, the ABC transporter flips over, and thereby sends the antibiotic molecule out through the exterior of the cell’s plasma membrane, replacing some critical cell metabolic processes, with (new) metabolic processes that bypass the antibiotic’s (former) effect. See also CELL, PATHOGEN, PATHOGENIC, BACTERIA, ANTIBIOTIC, PLASMA MEMBRANE, ENZYME, PENICILLINASES, METABOLISM, ABC TRANSPORTERS, MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS.

Also called immunoglobulin, Ig. A large defense protein that consists of two classes of polypeptide chains, light (L) chains and heavy (H) chains. A single antibody molecule consists of two identical copies of the L chain and two of the H chain. They are synthesized (made) by the immune system (B lymphocytes) of the organism. The antibody is composed of four proteins linked together to form a Y-shaped bundle of proteins (looks somewhat like a slingshot or two hockey sticks taped together at the handles). The amino acid sequence that makes up the stem (heavy chains) of the Y (i.e., the handles of the taped together hockey sticks) is similar for all antibodies. The stem is known as the Fc region of the antibody, and it does not bind to antigens, but does have other regulatory functions. The two arms of the Y are each made up of two side-by-side proteins called light chains and heavy chains (proteins are chains of amino acids), with identical antigen-binding (ab) sites on the tips of each “arm.” The antibody is thus bivalent in that it has two binding sites for antigen. Taken together, the two arms of the Y are known as the Fab portions of the antibody molecule. The Fab portions can be cleaved from the antibody molecule with papain (an enzyme that is also used as a meat tenderizer) or the Fab portions can be produced by genetically engineered Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria. When a foreign molecule (e.g., a bacterium, virus, etc.) enters the body, B lymphocytes are stimulated into becoming rapidly dividing blast cells, which mature into antibody-producing plasma cells. The plasma cells are triggered by the foreign molecule’s epitope(s) [i.e., group or groups of specific atoms (also known as a hapten), that are recognized to be foreign by the body’s immune system] into producing antibody molecules possessing antigen-binding (ab) sites (also called combining sites or determinants). These fit into the foreign molecule’s epitope. Thus, via the tips of its arms, the antibody molecule binds specifically to the foreign entity (antigen) that has entered the body. By this process it inactivates that foreign molecule or marks it for eventual destruction by other immune system cells. System marking of the foreign molecule (e.g., pathogen or toxin) for destruction is accomplished by the fact that the stem of the Y (i.e., the Fc) fragment hangs free from the combined antibody-antigen clump, thereby providing a receptor for phagocytes, which roam throughout the body ingesting and subsequently destroying such “marked” foreign molecules. Research published during 2001 indicates that antibodies may also kill some pathogens themselves by catalyzing the formation of hydrogen peroxide from oxygen free radicals (singlet oxygen) and water. Hydrogen peroxide is highly reactive, and could potentially kill pathogens when generated by an (attached) antibody. There are five classes of immunoglobulin: IgG, IgM, IgD, IgA, and IgE. See also HUMORAL IMMUNITY,

Antibody Affinity Chromatography
A type of chromatography in which antibodies are immobilized onto the column material. The antibodies bind to their target molecules while the other components in the solution are not retained. In this way a separation (purification) is achieved. See also ANTIBODY, CHROMATOGRAPHY, AFFINITY CHROMATOGRAPHY.

Antibody-Mediated Immune Response

Anticoding Strand
Refers to the single strand of DNA (double helix) that is transcribed. Sometimes called the antisense strand or the template strand. See also DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA), TRANSCRIPTION, ANTISENSE (DNA SEQUENCE).

Anticodon A specific sequence of three nucleotides in a transfer RNA (tRNA), complementary to a codon (also three nucleotides) for an amino acid in a messenger RNA. See also CODON, TRANSFER RNA (tRNA), AMINO ACID, MESSENGER RNA (mRNA), NUCLEOTIDE.

Also called an immunogen. Any large molecule or small organism whose entry into the body provokes synthesis of an antibody or immunoglobulin (i.e., an immune system response). See also HAPTEN, ANTIBODY, EPITOPE, CELLULAR IMMUNE RESPONSE, HUMORAL IMMUNITY.

Antigenic Determinant

Antihemophilic Factor VIII
Also known as Factor VIII or Antihemophilic Globulin (AHG). See also FACTOR VIII.

Antihemophilic Globulin
Also known as Factor VIII or Antihemophilic Factor VIII. See also FACTOR VIII.

Compounds (e.g., phytochemicals) that act to prevent lipids from oxidizing (to plaque) or breaking down (e.g., to carcinogenic compounds), or that act to capture and halt singlet oxygen (O-) free radicals; which can damage DNA in cells (causing mutations). Since oxidation of lipids in the blood is the intitial step in atherosclerosis, consumption of large amounts of certain antioxidants (e.g., flavonoids) may prevent atherosclerosis. Because oxidation reactions within the body often lead to formation of tissue-damaging free radicals (molecules containing an “extra” electron), consumption of antioxidants can help to prevent such tissue damage. Evidence indicates that tissue damage from free radicals may play a role in causing some arthritis, coronary heart disease, diabetes, and cancers. Synthetic analogues have also been manufactured (e.g., synthetic vitamins, etc.) which perform a similar antioxidant function to naturally occurring antioxidant phytochemicals. See also OXIDATIVE STRESS, PHYTOCHEMICALS, LIPIDS, CARCINOGEN, CANCER, ANALOGUES, OXIDATION, CORONARY HEART DISEASE, INSULIN,

Describes molecules that are parallel but point in opposite directions. The strands of the DNA double helix are antiparallel. See also DOUBLE HELIX.

Antisense (DNA sequence)
A strand of DNA that produces a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule which (when reversed end-forend) has the same sequence as (is complementary to) the unwanted (“bad”) messenger RNA. The SENSE (forward) and ANTISENSE (backward) mRNA strands hybridize (tightly bond to each other), which prevents the bonded pair from leaving the cell’s nucleus, so that bonded pair is rapidly degraded (destroyed) by nuclei within the cell nucleus. In genetic targeting (to block “bad” genes), antisense molecules are used to bind to a “bad” gene’s (an oncogene) messenger RNA (mRNA), thus canceling the (cancer-causing) message of the gene and preventing cells from following its (tumor growth) instructions. Another example would be the use of antisense DNA to block the gene that codes for production of polygalacturonase (an enzyme that causes ripe fruit to (soften). Physically, antisense is accomplished by removing a given gene from an organism’s genome, reversing it (end-for-end), and reinserting it back into the organism’s genome. See also DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA), CODING SEQUENCE, GENE, GENOME, COMPLEMENTARY DNA (c-DNA), MESSENGER RNA (mRNA), GENETIC TARGETING, CANCER, POLYGALACTURONASE (PG), ONCOGENES, SENSE, COSUPPRESSION, GENE SILENCING, HYBRIDIZATION (MOLECULAR GENETICS), NUCLEASE, ANTICODING STRAND.

Antisense RNA

Antithrombogenous Polymers
Synthetic polymers (i.e., plastics) used to make medical devices that will be in contact with a patient’s A blood (e.g., catheters), but will not initiate the coagulation process as synthetic polymers usually do. The natural anticoagulant heparin is incorporated into the polymer and is gradually released into the bloodstream by the polymer, thus preventing blood coagulation on the surface of the polymer. See also POLYMER, THROMBOSIS.


Atrial peptide. See also ATRIAL PEPTIDES.

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is the agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture responsible for regulating the field (outdoor) testing of genetically engineered plants and certain microorganisms. See also COORDINATED FRAMEWORK FOR REGULATION OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, MICROORGANISM, GENETIC ENGINEERING.

Aplastic Anemia
An autoimmune disease of the bone marrow. See also AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE.

APO B-100


The protein portion of a holoenzyme. Many (but not all) enzymes are composed of functional “pieces” (i.e., a protein piece (chain) and another piece that is an organic and/or inorganic molecule). The other piece is known as a cofactor, and it may be removed from the enzyme under certain conditions, after which the resulting inactive enzyme is known as an apoenzyme. The inactive apoenzyme becomes functionally active again if it is allowed to recombine with its cofactor. See also COFACTOR, ENZYME, HOLOENZYME.

Apolipoprotein B

The protein portion of lipoproteins (i.e., after the lipid portion is removed from those molecules). See also LOW-DENSITY LIPOPROTEINS (LDLP), PROTEIN, LIPIDS, VERY LOW-DENSITY LIPOPROTEINS (VLDL).

A method of reproduction used by scientists to propagate (hybrid) plants without having to utilize sexual fertilization. By combining apomixis with tissue culture technology, Cai Detian, Ma Piugfu, and Yao Jialin were able to propagate rice varieties in 1994. In 1998, Dimitri Petrov, Phillip Sims, and Chester Deald were able to cause apomixis in corn (maize). By “fixing” hybrid dominance, the need for (sexual) breeding is eliminated and the hybrid vigor is passed down via the seed from generation to generation. See also ASEXUAL, GERM CELL, HYBRID VIGOR, TISSUE CULTURE, HYBRIDIZATION (PLANT GENETICS), CORN, F1 HYBRIDS.

Also called “programmed cell death,” it is a series of programmed steps that cause a cell to die by “self digestion” without rupturing and releasing intracellular contents (e.g., nucleus, chromosomes, refractile bodies, etc.) into the local (surrounding tissue) environment. Manifestations of cell apoptosis include shrinking of the cell’s cytoplasm and chromatin condensation. If the normal cell apoptosis is prevented (e.g., by an enzyme that is present due to disease) in the body, cells can grow uncontrollably (i.e., causing cancer). For example, people with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML, also known as chronic myeloid leukemia) typically have 10–25 times as many white blood cells as normal. See also CELL, CD95 PROTEIN, SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION, SIGNALING, REFRACTILE BODIES (RB), NUCLEUS, CHROMOSOMES, CHROMATIN, CYTOPLASM, FUSARIUM, p53 GENE, TUBULIN, CANCER, SELECTIVE APOPTOTIC ANTI-NEOPLASTIC DRUG (SAAND), HYPERSENSITIVE RESPONSE, SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION, SIGNAL TRANSDUCERS AND ACTIVATORS OF TRANSCRIPTION (STATs), GENE EXPRESSION CASCADE, ENZYME, WHITE BLOOD CELLS, PHILADELPHIA CHROMOSOME, GLEEVEC™.

Approvable Letter (from the FDA)
One of the final steps in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) review process for new pharmaceuticals. The letter precedes final FDA clearance for marketing of the new compound. See also FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA), IND, IND EXEMPTION.

Oligonucleotide molecules that bind (stick to) other, specific molecules (e.g., proteins). Aptamer is from the Latin aptus, to fit. In 1992, Louis Bock and John Toole isolated aptamers that bind and inhibit the blood-coagulation enzyme thrombin. Since thrombin is crucial to the formation of blood A clots (coagulation), such aptamers may someday be useful for anticoagulant therapy (e.g., to prevent blood clots following surgery or heart attacks). See also ENZYME, OLIGONUCLEOTIDE, PROTEIN, INHIBITION, THROMBIN, THROMBUS, THROMBOSIS.

Arabidopsis thaliana
A small weed plant (Cruciferae) possessing 70,000 kilobase pairs in its genome, with very little repetitive DNA. This makes it an ideal model for studying plant genetics. At least two genetic maps have been created for Arabidopsis thaliana (one using yeast artificial chromosomes). Because of this, a large base of knowledge about it has been accumulated by the scientific community. A. thaliana was first genetically engineered in 1986. In 1994, researchers succeeded in transferring genes for polyhydroxylbutylate (“biodegradable plastic”) production into A. thaliana. Because production of polyhydroxylbutylate (PHB) requires simultaneous expression of three genes (the PHB production process is “polygenic”) — yet researchers have only been able to insert a maximum of two genes — they have to insert two genes into one plant and one gene into a second plant, then finally get the (total) three genes into (offspring) plants via traditional breeding. During 2001, Eduardo Blumwald and Hong-Xia Zhang inserted a salt-tolerance gene from A. thaliana into a tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), and thereby made that tomato plant resistant to salt in concentrations up to 200 mM (far higher than it could previously survive). See also BRASSICA, GENE, EXPRESS, BASE PAIR (bp), KILOBASE PAIRS (Kbp), GENOME, GENETIC CODE, GENETIC MAP, GENETICS, TRAIT, POLYGENIC, DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA), POLYHYDROXYLBUTYLATE (PHB), YEAST ARTIFICIAL CHROMOSOMES (YAC), MODEL ORGANISM, TOMATO, SALT TOLERANCE.

Arachidonic Acid (AA)
One of the omega-6 (n-6) highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA), AA is synthesized (manufactured) by the human body from linoleic acid (e.g., obtained by consuming soybean oil). AA is present in human breast milk, and research indicates that it plays an important role in the mental development of infants. Arachidonic acid is a crucial precursor for prostaglandins and other eicosanoids. The COX-1 enzyme converts arachidonic acid to constitutive prostaglandins and the COX-2 enzyme converts arachidonic acid to inducible prostaglandins. See also CYCLOOXYGENASE, POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS (PUFA), N-6 FATTY ACIDS, FATTY ACIDS, UNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS, LINOLEIC ACID, SOYBEAN OIL, CONSTITUTIVE ENZYMES, INDUCIBLE ENZYMES, LEUKOTRIENES, ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS, EICOSANOIDS.

Single-celled life forms that can live at extreme ocean depths (high pressure) and in the absence of oxygen. Enzymes robust (sturdy) enough for industrial process utilization have been isolated by scientists from some strains of Archaea. Other Archaea strains are sometimes present in the rumen (“first stomach”) of cattle and sheep. Those Archaea produce methane gas by breaking down some of the feed consumed by the cattle and sheep. See also ENZYME, EXTREMOZYMES, CELL, ANAEROBE, ANAEROBIC, STRAIN.

Arginine (arg)
An amino acid, commonly abbreviated arg. In dry, bulk form arginine is colorless, crystalline, and water soluble. It is an essential amino acid of the α-ketoglutaric acid family. See also AMINO ACID, ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS, NITRIC OXIDE SYNTHASE.

Acronym for antibiotic resistance marker. See also MARKER (GENETIC MARKER). ARMD Acronym for Age-Related Macular Degeneration. See also LUTEIN.


Caterpillars (pupae) of the Lepidopteran insect Pseudaletia unipuncta family; most of which are harmful to crops (e.g., wheat, corn/maize, etc.) grown by humans. Armyworms are susceptible to some of the “cry” proteins (e.g., they are killed if they eat plants genetically engineered to contain Cry1A(b), Cry9C, or Cry1F proteins). Armyworms are preyed upon by some species of ground beetles, sphecid wasps, toads, birds, etc. See also PROTEIN, VOLICITIN, CRY PROTEINS, CRY1A(b) PROTEIN, CRY1F PROTEIN, CRY9C PROTEIN, CORN, WHEAT.

Refers to the transgene (cassette) which was initially isolated/extracted from the genome of the Agrobacterium bacteria species (strain CP4) and inserted via genetic engineering techniques into a crop plant (e.g., soybean, Glycine max L.) in order to make that (soybean) plant tolerant to glyphosate- based herbicides (and also sulfosatebased herbicides). See also GENE, TRANSGENE, CASSETTE, GENOME, AGROBACTERIUM TUMEFACIENS, EPSP SYNTHASE, mEPSPS, CP4 EPSPS, SOYBEAN, HERBICIDE-TOLERANT CROP, GENETIC ENGINEERING, SOYBEAN PLANT, GLYPHOSATE, SULFOSATE.


ARS Element
A sequence of DNA that will support autonomous replication (sequence, ARS). See also DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA), SEQUENCE (OF A DNA MOLECULE).

A group of diseases (including atherosclerosis) which is characterized by a decrease in elasticity (stretchiness) and a thickening of the walls of the body’s arteries. See also ATHEROSCLEROSIS, CORONARY HEART DISEASE (CHD), PLAQUE.


Liquid accumulations in the peritoneal cavity. Used as an input in one of the methods for producing monoclonal antibodies. See also MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES (MAb), PERITONEAL CAVITY/MEMBRANE, ANTIBODY.
Ascorbic Acid
A water-soluble vitamin and antioxidant. See also VITAMIN, ANTIOXIDANTS.

The three-letter suffix that is added to a (root) word to denote an enzyme. For example, the stomachs of reindeer contain lichenase, an enzyme that enables reindeer to digest lichen that the reindeer consume as a source of winter food. See also ENZYME, PROTEASE, OXYGENASE, HUMAN PROTEIN KINASE C, HUMAN SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE (hSOD), POLYMERASE, ATPase, ATP SYNTHASE, REGULATORY ENZYME.

Denotes fertilization and/or reproduction by in vitro means. Without sex. See also IN VITRO, APOMIXIS, GERM CELL.

Asian Corn Borer
Also known by its Latin name, Ostrinia furnacalis is an insect (originally from Asia) whose larvae (caterpillars) eat and bore into the corn/maize (Zea Mays L.) plant. In doing so, they can act as vectors (carriers) of the fungi known as Aspergillus flavus (a source of aflatoxin), Fusarium moniliforme (a source of fumonisin), or Aspergillus parasiticus (a source of aflatoxin). See also EUROPEAN CORN BORER (ECB), CORN, FUNGUS, AFLATOXIN, FUSARIUM, FUSARIUM MONILIFORME.

Asparagine (asp)
An amino acid, commonly abbreviated asp. In dry, bulk form asparagines appears as a white, crystalline solid. It is found in high amounts in many plants. See also AMINO ACID.

Aspartic Acid
A dicarboxylic amino acid found in plants and animals, especially in molasses from young sugarcane and sugar beets. See also AMINO ACID.

Aspergillus flavus

A test (specific technique) that measures a response to a test substance or the efficacy (effectiveness) of the test substance. See also IMMUNOASSAY, BIOASSAY, LUMINESCENT ASSAY, HYBRIDIZATION SURFACES.

The formation of self cellular material from small molecules derived from food. See also INSULIN-LIKE GROWTH FACTOR-1 (IGF-1), RIBOSOMES, MESSENGER RNA (mRNA).

Association of Biotechnology Companies (ABC)
An American trade association of companies involved in biotechnology and services to biotechnology companies (e.g., accounting, law, etc.). Formed in 1984, the ABC tended to consist of the smaller firms involved in biotechnology (and service firms that worked for all biotechnology companies). In 1993, the ABC was merged with the Industrial Biotechnology Association (IBA) to form the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO). See also INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION (IBA), BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY ORGANIZATION (BIO), BIOTECHNOLOGY.

A carotenoid pigment responsible for the characteristic pink coloring of salmon, trout, and shrimp. It is produced by the microorganisms in the natural (wild) diets of those aquatic animals. Research has shown that astaxanthin (an antioxidant) helps boost the immune systems of humans that consume it. Research has also shown that astaxanthin helps to reduce oral cancer A in rats and inhibit breast cancer in mice. See also CAROTENOIDS, ANTIOXIDANTS, OXIDATIVE STRESS.

A human blood factor that promotes clotting. A deficiency of AT-III can be inherited or can result from certain surgical procedures, certain illnesses, and sometimes use of certain oral contraceptives. See also FACTOR VIII.


A form of arteriosclerosis characterized by deposition and buildup of fatty deposits (plaque) on the internal walls of the body’s arteries, in addition to the decreased elasticity of artery walls that characterizes all forms of arteriosclerosis. When a piece of plaque breaks off, a blood clot generally forms, and that clot often blocks blood flow through the artery, causing a heart attack or stroke. See also ARTERIOSCLEROSIS, CORONARY HEART DISEASE (CHD), CHOLESTEROL, THROMBOSIS, THROMBUS, FLAVONOIDS, OXIDATIVE STRESS, ANTIOXIDANTS, PLAQUE.

Atomic Weight
The total mass of an atom equal to the sum of the isotope’s number of protons and neutrons (in the atom’s nucleus). The atomic weights of the earth’s elements are based on the assignment of exactly 12.000 as the atomic weight of the carbon-12 isotope (variation of atom). The atomic (weight) theory was established as a framework in 1869 by Meyer and Mendeléev, but standard precise values were not adopted internationally until an international commission on atomic weights was formed in 1899 in response to an initiative by the German Chemical Society. An element’s atomic weight does not come out to a whole number (with the exception of carbon), because of the existence of isotopes which differ slightly with respect to the number of neutrons each contains. See also MOLECULAR WEIGHT, ISOTOPE.


ATP Synthase
An enzyme complex that forms ATP from ADP and phosphate during oxidative phosphorylation in the inner mitochondrial membrane (in animals), in chloroplasts (in plants), and in cell membranes (in bacteria). This is an energy-producing reaction in that ATP is a high-energy compound used by cells to maintain their living condition. ATP synthase is also present on the surface of endothelial cells (lining of blood vessels) where it helps to build new blood vessels (e.g., to replace tissue damaged by injury or disease). Under certain circumstances, this also creates new blood vessels that provide blood supply to tumors. When separated from the cell’s membrane, ATP synthase hydrolyzes (breaks down) ATP via a chemical process in which one subunit (designated g) of ATP synthase rotates within the other (hollow) part of ATP synthase. See also ENZYME, CHLOROPLASTS, ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE (ATP), HYDROLYSIS, ADENOSINE DIPHOSPHATE (ADP), MITOCHONDRIA, TUMOR, ENDOTHELIAL CELLS, ANGIOSTATIN.

ATP Synthetase

Adenosine triphosphatase, an enzyme that hydrolyzes (clips the bond between two phosphates in) ATP to yield ADP, phosphate, and energy. The reaction is usually coupled to an energy-requiring process. ATP is hydrolyzed in the act of shivering and the energy produced is converted into heat to increase body temperature. This type of heat production involves what is known as a futile cycle because the energy is converted to (and wasted as) heat rather than used in motion, etc. See also ATP SYNTHASE, ENZYME, ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE (ATP), ADENOSINE DIPHOSPHATE (ADP), FUTILE CYCLE, HYDROLYSIS, HYDROLYZE.

Atrial Natriuretic Factor
An atrial peptide hormone that may regulate blood pressure and electrolyte balance within the body. An example is a peptide hormone. See also HORMONE, ATRIAL PEPTIDES, PEPTIDE.

Atrial Peptides
Endocrine components (proteins) that act to regulate blood pressure, as well as water and electrolyte homeostasis within the body. Atrial peptides are made by the heart in response to elevated blood pressure levels, and they stimulate the kidneys to excrete water and sodium into the urine, thus lowering blood pressure. They also slow the heartbeat. An example is a peptide hormone. See also ENDOCRINE HORMONES, HOMEOSTASIS, ELECTROLYTE.

Attenuated (pathogens)
Inactivated, rendered harmless (e.g., killed viruses used to make A a vaccine). Some of the ways in which viruses and other pathogens may be attenuated are by heat, chemical, or radiation treatment. See also PATHOGEN.

Attenuation (of RNA)
Premature termination of an elongating RNA chain. See also RIBONUCLEIC ACID (RNA).

An antifungal antibiotic produced by a strain of Streptomyces aureofaciens. At least one company has incorporated the gene for this antibiotic (which acts against wheat take-all disease) into a Pseudomonas fluorescens used to confer resistance to wheat takeall disease by allowing the bacteria to colonize the wheat’s roots. In this way the plant obtains the benefits of the antibiotic because the bacteria become part of the plant. See also PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS, ENDOPHYTE, ANTIBIOTIC, BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS (B.t.).

Autogenous Control
The action of a gene product (a molecule) that either inhibits (negative autogenous control) or activates (positive autogenous control) expression of the gene that codes for it (Greek auto, self). The presence of the product either causes or stops its own production. See also GENE, EXPRESS.

Autoimmune Disease
A disease in which the body produces an immunogenic (immune system) response to some constituent of its own tissue. In other words, the immune system loses its ability to recognize some tissue or system within the body as “self” and targets and attacks it as if it were foreign. Autoimmune diseases can be classified into those in which one organ is predominantly affected
(e.g., hemolytic anemia and chronic thyroiditis), and those in which the autoimmune disease process is diffused through many tissues (e.g., multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis). For example, multiple sclerosis is thought to be caused by T cells attacking acetylcholine receptors in the sheaths (myelin) that surround the nerve fibers of the brain and spinal cord. This eventually results in loss of coordination, weakness, and blurred vision. Arthritis is caused by immune system cells attacking joint tissues. Certain bacterial infections (e.g., Lyme disease, Salmonella, etc.) are followed by arthritis in approximately 10% of cases. The antigen (on surface of those bacteria) targeted by the human immune system is similar (in its molecular shape) to a protein located on the surface of cells in human joint tissue(s). See also THYMUS, SUPERANTIGENS, T CELLS, TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR (TNF), MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, MYOELECTRIC SIGNALS, ACETYLCHOLINE, LUPUS, INSULINDEPENDENT DIABETES MELLITIS (IDDM), DIABETES, ANTIGEN, BACTERIA, SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM, PROTEIN, CELL.

Autonomous Replicating Segment

Autonomous Replicating Sequence

A technique to detect radioactively labeled molecules by creating an image on photographic film. The slab of gel or other material in which the molecules are held (suspended) is placed on top of a piece of photographic film. The two are then securely fastened together such that movement is eliminated and the film is exposed for a period of time. The exposed (to the radiation) film is subsequently developed and the radioactive area is seen as a dark (black) area. Among other uses, autoradiography has been used to track the spread of (radioactively labeled) viruses in a living plant. After treatment (the radioactive labeling process), the whole plant (in a slab) is placed on top of a piece of photographic film. When the film is subsequently developed, the picture seen is of a plant, with darker areas indicating regions of greater virus concentration. See also LABEL (RADIOACTIVE), VIRUS.

All chromosomes except the sex chromosomes. A diploid cell has two copies of each autosome.

An organism that can live on very simple carbon and nitrogen sources, such as carbon dioxide and ammonia. See also HETEROTROPH.

From the Greek auxein, to increase, this term refers to a family of chemical compounds that regulate plant growth (e.g., stimulate cell enlargement, cell division, initate roots/growth, flowering, etc.). See also CELL.

Auxotrophic mutant. A mutant defective in the synthesis of a given biomolecule. The biomolecule must be supplied to the organism if normal growth is to be achieved. See also MUTATION, GENE, GENE DELIVERY (GENE THERAPY), ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS.

A protein naturally present in egg white, oilseed protein (e.g., soybean meal), and grain (e.g., corn/maize), it is 70 kilodaltons in mass (weight) and has a high affinity for biotin (i.e., it “sticks” tightly to the biotin molecule). Since grain-eating insects require biotin (a B-complex vitamin) to live, adding extra avidin to grain (e.g., by inserting a gene to cause overproduction of avidin in the grain kernels) may be a way to protect grain from insects (e.g., weevils in stored corn/maize). See also PROTEIN, SOY PROTEIN, CORN, KILODALTON (KD), BIOTIN, WEEVILS, VITAMIN.

Avidity (of an antibody)
The “tightness of fit” between a given antibody’s combining site and the antigenic determinant with which it combines. The firmness of the combination of antigen with antibody. See also ANTIGENIC DETERMINANT, ANTIBODY, ANTIGEN, COMBINING SITE, POLYCLONAL RESPONSE, CATALYTIC ANTIBODY.

The pharmacophore (active ingredient) in secretions of the tropical neem tree, which resists insect depradations. See also PHARMACOPHORE, NEEM TREE.

Azurophil-Derived Bactericidal Factor (ADBF)
Potent antimicrobial protein produced by neutrophils (a type of white blood cell). See also LEUKOCYTES.

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