Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Some Latest Technologies

Some Upcoming Technologies.............
1.     WiSee
2.     Self-assembling copter
3.     ATLAS (DARPA)
4.     V-bat drone
5.     Calligraphy Robot
6.     Mech Warfare
7.     The V Motion Project
8.     Qumarion mannequin
9.     Artificial Cockroach’s sensor network
10.                        Interactive plants
11.                        Magnetoreceptor cell
12.                        Color-changing contact lenses which reveal glucose concentration
13.                        Ultrasound surgery, healing without cuts
14.                        iCHELL Inorganic cells imitate properties of Living Organic Cells
15.                        Phonebloks
16.                        Project LOON
17.                        LuminAR
18.                        Visible Light Communication
19.                        The Centrifuge Brain Project
20.                        Fire Control using Sound Waves
21.                        Perceptual Motion
22.                        The Water and Sound Experiment
23.                        Ambient Backscattering
24.                        The Hear Colors Experiment
25.                        Cyborg:   Niel Harmission (Chromotopsia)
26.                        Position Correcting Router
27.                        Segway Wheelchair
28.                        HUD Contact Lenses
29.                        Panasonic Evolta batteries
30.                        Stalker UAS
31.                        Recycling ROBOT
32.                        AQUA Lungs (Oceanwings)
33.                        Hunter-Killer Aerial Terminator
34.                        Spaceplane
35.                        SpaceGlasses
36.                        Virtuix Omni Rift
37.                        Muscle Propelled Force FeedBack system
38.                        EGO SmartMouse
39.                        EDV-01 Disaster Response Unit
40.                        Stealth Barcodes
41.                        WI-Vi
42.                        Navy Laser Guns
43.                        X-51A Waverider
44.                        Moving Sidewalks
45.                        Touchy: A Human Camera
46.                        Brymill Cry-Ac 3
47.                        Volvo flywheel KERS
48.                        Thermite
49.                        Phone Scent
50.                        4D Ultrasound Hologram
51.                        ARGUS 1.8 : A Giga Pixel Drone Camera
52.                        HDR Vision Technology
53.                        Eye Ring
54.                        Visualization of video frames at speed of light
55.                        Light Field Camera
56.                        Eyeborg
57.                        Light Sabers